Life with Abbie
Natural History Museum - Today we went to the Natural History Museum. Abbie has been talking about seeing dinosaur bones for the last week or so. I think she liked it, but we will need to go back at the end of the month when a new dinosaur exhibit opens up and there are even more bones on display.

Also, she recently said to me, "Mama, I'm not going to feel left out when you are working with the baby." "No, why not?" I said. She replied, "Because I'll always be helping. I can feed the baby, burp the baby, and change diapers." Sounds good to me.
Personality - Abbie always likes to pretend that she is an animal, or a witch, or a character from a book. This morning Abbie said to me, "I was having trouble being a person, so Merlin used his magic to turn me into a spider. He took away my personality and gave me spiderality." Too funny. I had never thought of personality as person-ality. Apparently, she thinks of it differently, hence "spider-ality".
Abbie's mind is one busy place!
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