Abbie has been in really good mood lately and has been lots of fun. Yesterday, when we picked her up at school, we found the following item posted in the logbook:

Basically, they asked each kid to say what they thought a leprechaun is and then they recorded each kid's response. Many of the responses are pretty funny. For example, one of the girls thought that it is a quiet hamster. The thing that stuck out for us is that all but two of the kids gave little two word answers. However, Roan and Abbie, apparently the storytellers in the class, gave these big elaborate answers. Clicking on the photo will enlarge it. However, in case it isn't legible, Abbie's guess was "A big machine that does experiments that will turn your house into a bottle that you put baking soda and water in and it will explode and make a big mess." You would think that we had been making volcanoes at home or something, but we haven't been, so I have no idea where she came up with this.
As for the other kid, Abbie's little sister, all seems to be going well. This is week 27. I feel huge and have no idea where the remaining ten pounds will go, but other than that, she and I seem to be doing OK. Right now we are still trying to decide on a name and are trying to figure out what we are going to do for childcare. Anyone who knows an excellent nanny who is willing to work for free, please send her our way. Thanks!
If only I lived nearby, I'd be your nanny for Free, heck I don't earn any money anyway, maybe as well be doing something I'd love!!
Abbie's idea of a leprechaun is hilarious! What a creative and busy mind she has!!
Week 27: you've come a long way!! Remind yourself how much easier it is to carry her about in her tummy versus the car seat, diaper bag, your hip, stroller, etc.....
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