Another Field Trip
Abbie is pretty full of personality these days (even more than usual). Last night we were in a toy store and I tried to show her a stuffed pig. She barely looked at it before she started laughing and said, "It's so cute. Where did you find it?" The funny thing about it was that you cold tell that she wasn't really paying attention at all and that she was completely trying to pacify me. Chad and I were laughing pretty hard. My first official blow off.
Then in the car on the way home, we heard the following, "When I'm a big person you won't be able to tell me what to do. You won't be able to tell me where to go, or how to get there, or anything. When I'm a big person you can't tell me what to do." She's three and already dreaming about being out from under our thumbs.
The photo is fantastic and so fun! Abbie's comment about the stuffed pig is hilarious and her notion about when she is a big person is a real hoot! She is one brilliant and witty 3 year old!
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