Too Much to Report
I don't think that I have been particularly delinquent on my posts, but suddenly there is just lots and lots of stuff to share. First, there is a collection of school photos related to some of the activities that have been going on there. Below we have Abbie wearing her clothes backwards for Silly Sally Day. Then, there is a photo of her making some sort of flubber in science class. Finally, there are two really nice photos from the Valentine's Day party.

The second item to share is a photo of Daddy and Abbie from the date night that they had a couple nights ago. I was out of town and Nancy stayed with Emily while Chad and Abbie went to dinner at Oceanaire. Abbie got really dressed up for the special night. She had clam chowder, a crabcake, and ice cream. Chad had a Caesar salad, and a crabcake. A good time was had by all and the couples that sat near them were entertained by Abbie's excellent conversational abilities.
Finally, I was shocked today when Abbie showed me a series of papers on which she had been doing some addition. She showed me one and announced to me, "Mom, 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 +2 = 12". And I said, "Yes, that's right!" Then she said, "Mom, 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 3 = 12". Wow, um, right again! Then she said, "Mom, 5 + 5 = 10". Yup! Then she said, "Mom, 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 +1 + 7 = 21". Close, but she was off by one. But, hey, she's four and I don't think that I was doing math like this until I was MUCH older. What is really curious to me is that in her recent report card it was math that was her weaker skill. Hmmm.
Sounds like she's good at figuring out Math her own way, and might not be learning the way the teacher wants or expects. It's much better to innovate your own learning and discover things like Abbie is doing!
I really like the "date night", a great way to set standards!
Love the Valentine photos, so darling!
Chad is looking good!
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