Our Own Little Mermaid
Not unlike Christina Ricci's character in the movie Mermaids (see below), Abbie is perpetually in her swimming apparel lately. She is absolutely obsessed with swimming. The living room is now known as the deep pool and the kitchen is now the kiddie pool (which she thinks is a kitty pool for kids). Below, she is just lounging in her gear, snacking on an apple.

Obviously, all of this swimming excitement is driven by the fact that she has started her swimming lessons. She is pretty disappointed that they only meet on Tuesdays. Pretty much everyday she'll check with us to see if it's Tuesday yet, and if not, she wants to know how much longer until Tuesday arrives. Here are a couple pics from the half hour that has become the big highlight of her week:
Abbie looks so much like her Dad in the bottom photo. She is such a character!! I wish I could be to share in the fun!
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