Abbie's first cereal

Welcome to the blog we have set up for our first baby, Abigail Elizabeth, born July 21, 2006.
Abbie has recently decided that she prefers to sit up rather than to lie down. Every chance she gets she is trying to use her neck and her stomach muscles to pull herself into a seated position (little does she realize this is probably the hardest way to get to a seated position). This has made feeding her and changing her a bit more tricky. She wants to eat, but only in an upright position. She doesn't mind having her diaper or her outfit changed as long as she can sit up while its happening. She never fusses, but I think it baffles her as to why all of these activities can't be done sitting up straight. We have been holding her in a seated position quite a bit and she has been getting lots of practice getting her balance and strengthening her muscles. She is starting to look like such a big girl.
Abbie with her "lovey."
We have introduced the lovey as part of her sleep routine. She likes to keep it near her face when she naps because it is so soft. Then when she wakes up I usually show it to her and ask her if she wants to give her bear a kiss. She'll put it to her mouth and give it a good slobber and be all pleased with herself.