Minneapolis Trip
Here are some pics from our recent weekend in Minneapolis. It was a brief (3 day) trip. We came home a day early because Abbie kept saying "Abbie wanna go home. Abbie gonna have some tears." So pathetic and sad. She is a little homebody lately and likes the comfort of her own bed, etc.
We took her to the Minneapolis Zoo, which has some really incredible facilities, but Abbie didn't have much of an appreciation for it. We were literally 3 feet from a grizzly bear (separated by glass), which was pretty cool, but Abbie was more interested in my sunglasses. We also saw two cheetahs chasing each other back and forth. They would dash by right before our eyes and every time we would look to see if Abbie had seen them. Meanwhile, she was always busy looking at a garbage can or something. It was pretty funny.