Happy Birthday!!
Today is Abbie's 2nd birthday and she has been really into the idea of birthday parties lately so we celebrated on Saturday by having a birthday party for her. We invited the neighbors with kids and her friends and Grandma and Grandpa P. I think she had fun. Here she is with some of the kids on her new picnic table. It has a matching sandbox and was a birthday present from Mommy and Daddy.
As you may be able to tell, she is sporting a new haircut. After not having her hair cut for almost a year, we decided it was time to get things in order, so they trimmed it considerably.
Yes, that is a juice box in front of her. We really never allow juice at all, but this was a special occasion and Abbie made the most of it. She downed 5 of those suckers before the day was over. Nothing like a good sugar shock!
Below is not from the birthday party. It is just a fun picture of Abbie covered in paint and working on a little project with some of the girls from the neighborhood. We have lots of huge pieces of cardboard in the garage lately (due to various deliveries) and Tess has put it to good use as a massive canvas.