Abbie has recently discovered the power of "no". She
routinely makes the face above as she says "no" by shaking her head at us. It's as if what is going through her head is, "No, don't be silly. Why would I want to do that?" in response to whatever we have asked her to do. Sometimes she will actually say "no" and she says it in this very matter of fact way, such that you're not sure she has really said "no" or just something else that sounds like "no".

Here she is wearing a pair of pants on her head. I thought it looked pretty cute. She is pretty obsessed with wearing things on her head and regularly tries to put different articles of clothing on her head. The other night she managed to get her whole head into the leg of a pair of swim shorts.

Here she is enjoying some time outside. She is still pretty obsessed with being outside and doesn't like the fact that we are going out less now that it is colder and is getting dark so early. When we came home from dinner the other night she stayed outside and ran up and down the hill in the front yard for 10 minutes before I was able to convince her to come inside. She was having so much fun, but she kept slipping on the wet leaves (perhaps this was part of the fun) and her pants ended up all wet and dirty.