Crunching Numbers
Welcome to the blog we have set up for our first baby, Abigail Elizabeth, born July 21, 2006.
Abbie had her well child check-up today. She is roughly 15 pounds, 1 ounce and 27 inches in length - long and lean. She received her last round of shots for awhile. We have been dreading these for months. I gave her Tylenol beforehand but she cried pretty hard anyway. So sad. I told her that it was because we loved her that she had to get shots, but I don't think she believed me. Poor little thing.
So, after one of our posts had an advertisement left in the comments field, I apparently turned on a moderating comments feature. This ensures that I can keep annoying things like that from showing up. However, apparently it requires that I actually moderate the comments - go figure. :) Today when I logged on (which I haven't done in quite awhile) I saw that I had four comments waiting for my approval. Oops! Anyway, I have approved all of them now. So for anyone who was losing heart because your comments weren't showing up, you can now rest easy knowing that things are back to normal.