We have purchased so many Christmas outfits for Abbie that I noticed the other day that we now have two that are almost identical (see above). Oops!
Abbie went for her well-baby check-up today and continues to do great. The Dr. thinks she is a very healthy baby. Yeah! She is up to 12 pounds, 12 ounces now, which must be due at least in part to the cereal we have been feeding her. We have also tried giving her some peas, carrots, and sweet potatoes. Surprisingly, her favorite was the peas. Silly girl!
Abbie's personality continues to be so sweet. She is so good natured and has been laughing more and more lately. Even I got her to laugh yesterday, which is unusual. She normally only laughs with Daddy and with
Lala (her nanny). Apparently Mommy isn't very funny. :( Perhaps as she gets older she will come to appreciate my sarcastic sense of humor.