Welcome to the 3rd Trimester!
Well, the 3rd trimester is finally here and so far things are still going smoothly. Here's a list of all the details:
Baby - She still seems happy. She had a very active day yesterday and has taken to poking me under my right ribs lately. As of our checkup this morning, it seems that she is head down, so hopefully she'll stay that way. Per a friend's suggestion, we have taken to calling her Fasby (which is probably only funny to accountants).
My vitals - Blood pressure, weight gain, belly size, protein and sugar levels are all looking good. Belly button is not looking so good. It has started to stick out and is looking really creepy. Chad is trying to avoid looking at it if at all possible. :) I'm still seeing the chiropractor every couple of weeks and my back is doing really well.
Classes - I'm still religiously going to prenatal yoga and really enjoying it. This past weekend we started two different birth classes, both of which I think are going to be useful. Of course, Chad and I can't seem to do our breathing exercises without laughing, which makes us look like total delinquents.