Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Busy baby

We have a very active little girl these days. She loves to move and usually keeps me entertained in the mornings and evenings with her acrobatics. One night she did what felt like a full somersault right underneath my hand, and another night she had me laughing with a move that felt like she was walking on the walls in order to change position. When she positions herself so that her back is facing out, I like to rub it for her. I'm not sure if she can feel it or not, but I hope it comforts her (or at least keeps her entertained).

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Back Pain

The all too common pregnancy induced back pain has set in lately. It has been hurting just to the left of my tailbone whenever I walk or bend over. I went to the chiropractor today and she's going to get me all fixed up. Apparently my SI joint (where the tailbone meets the pelvis) was out of whack, but she spent some time on it and I am feeling better already. She claims that pregnant women who have had chiropractic care experience shorter labors. Here's hoping!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

It's a Girl!

Here is our little baby girl (yes, looks like it's a girl) at 21 weeks. All her organs, etc. look good. She weighs about 13 ounces and seems to be pretty happy in there. She seems to have her own routine and when I wake up in the morning she is usually resting just to the right of my belly button. She's pretty active during the day and likes to dance around and distract me when I'm trying to focus on school work. We went to our first prenatal yoga class today and she didn't seem to mind much one way or the other. Below is a picture of her little arm and another of her little foot.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Baby's First Picture

Our baby at 9 weeks.